miami blue
video to come but here are a few pictures.
went down to pulse, the rubell family collection, scope, fountain, nada, and artbasel. took my camera and laptop and projector and thought i might want to make something. have been reading about david hockney (one of my heroes) and just getting to the swimming pools, thought maybe some sort of homage to him. then, started playing with the spot color feature on my camrea, had never used that before. took a lot of pictures with blue in them, everything else shows up as black and white. projected those into a swimming pool. the water shimmers over (through?) the picture. you can't see the motion here, but i was glad to see it.
one of the photos i took:
projected into the pool:
photoshopped (to adjust for distortion, made it a little brighter, added a little more contrast):
Posted by
12/09/2008 07:26:00 PM